Sunday, June 20, 2010

But home is nowhere.

If there is one thing that annoys me more than people contesting/attacking my Australian-ness, it is when they feel the need to comment on my grasp of the English language. The silly people don't know where to put the commas or when to capitalise, and they have the nerve to tell me I speak really well?

It's enough to make me want to punch them. Sometimes I wish I could have been a boy, because that way I wouldn't be ostracised for having violent tendencies.

Sometimes when I think about stuff, I remember a teacher I once had. He'd told me that when he was young he'd read a book called 'The cat who walked alone' or something, and he used to feel it was talking about him, and he was inclined to thinking it applied to myself as well. Sometimes this makes me feel special. Other times it makes me feel lonely.

It's kind of pathetic, having my identity crisis (of sorts) now, but I had other things to worry about in the old days. Like the state of the third world and the insipid stupidity of politicians and the uneducated. And my own little monster.

Ah, to be young again...

Not sure that I'd do anything differently - when you look at the whole scheme of things, no matter what you think you would have done differently, you wouldn't have, really.

I'm not making sense. That's okay, it's exam time.

Monday, June 7, 2010


The sun doesn't look so sunny,
The water's too runny,
I'm too funny,
This is not going to help me make money.

I'll fight fires,
Or change tyres,
Or lock away liars,
I'm not sure I have the skills that this requires.

I should learn to sing,
Can't wait to be king,
Find a rock to which I could cling,
Because my world has lost its anchoring,

Just marry someone rich and generous,
Whose pretty cars are numerous,
And will appreciate my humorous(ness).

Or I could just study.
