Mid-sem break. Hardly the middle of semester, at week 10 of 13. And of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't leave all my work till the last minute.
I've been going driving with Dad, in the past week. Not fun. He yells, I shut down, he yells more, I let go of the wheel cos he's taken over. In saying that, I have learned a great deal. For example, don't drive a car that's too big for you, because when you do the head-turning thing to check your blind spot, the rest of the car blocks your view. And never, ever think of Harry Potter and ensuing complexities whilst driving on a rural highway. Not if you like life.
We drove to Moe, a town about half an hour away. Mum was trying to give me encouraging advice, Dad was getting angry, the boys were arguing and the massive truck veering into my lane was scaring me. I don't mind people talking and shouting while I'm driving, as long as it's not at me. And I also appreciate being allowed to make the mistake, instead of just coming really close to about a hundred times.
There's something about making a mistake yourself. Like, you can definitely learn from being told by others, and from their mistakes. But when you do it yourself, you learn it in this sort of intrinsic way. That doesn't make sense - I mean that you LEARN it, not just learn it as a fact. Like, when you realise that one plus one does indeed equal two, as opposed to just knowing it. I think the term understanding may be appropriate.
Anyway. So we drove to Moe, cos that's where my appointment with the doctor was. I had to have some blood tests done, for iron, etc., so went to the pathology place and after about 10 minutes the lady comes out to take my papers and stuff. And she was talking to me in this really loud, slow voice, like yelling but not actually yelling, in my ear. I was frightened. She can't have been talking to me like that because she thought I didn't speak English, because I was clearly using English to try and appease her. Perhaps it threw her off, and she compensated for her ensuing confusion/insecurity by repeating herself even louder?
Or perhaps she thought I was delayed? But that can't be it. Because if someone doesn't speak your language, yelling at them and dumbing everything down is not going to get them to understand the words coming out of your mouth. So maybe she thought I was partially deaf and didn't want any of the important words lost in my state of not hearing? Maybe she thought I'd understand her sentences minus all the unnecessary bits like prepositions and conjunctions?
And all this about a week and a half after I decided to embrace the country. But then again, I'm really only open to the prospect of green, open fields, living on a huge block of land so I won't have to see anyone unless I choose to (excepting during grocery shopping). Seeing the fields and rolling hills on the way to uni every morning is so much - I don't know, freer? - than seeing the grey rush of the city. Not that I don't like the city. I don't know. I thought I was a totaly city girl, given I can't stand bugs...
I'm still pretty awesome. Haha, I remember I posted a goodnight message as my fb status, and next thing you know, everyone's doing 'em. And no one actually cares, unless it was catchy/witty/sweet/whatever, like mine was. Because quite clearly, if you are no longer online, you are not there and have presumably gone to bed, it being 12 am. Ah, world, you amuse me :D.
Ok, so I guess this is enough for one go :) Adios, amigos, and keep safe.
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