Monday, February 27, 2017

Chaka chaka daryab mesha (drop by drop a river is made).

From tiny acorns, might oak trees grow. Drop by drop, soft water wears away at stone. But the tiny acorn seed needs distance from the shadow of its parent tree, and the gentle water needs time to make a difference.

I think, that in realising these two things, I have come up with a way to symbolically sum up where my life is right now. I need distance from my parents, from their worries and their control. And I need time and patience to allow the tides of time (lol) to shape me into whatever it is I want or am destined to be, including the bettering of my health and spirits.

This all sounds very cheesy, but right now, with my second cup of coffee for the day (it's 3:36pm), and a few more postcards to colour in, I feel like I have once again tapped into the fundamental frequency of the universe and all things great and good and glorious. The light I see for my future is not just a dream, and yeah, it might be a massive train barrelling my way, but it's a light nonetheless, regardless of how long it lasts and what effect it has. I have found just 30 seconds of peace, and this is enough for now. Alhamdulillah.

Bit by tiny bit, life comes together. Or rather, you begin to understand how and why.

Peace and love,


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