Saturday, October 9, 2010

Studying. Really.

Observe the procrastinator in her natural habitat. You will notice that she is fully prepared for any attack - all work related windows are up, notes are out - she has the experience of several seasons in the same area.

She wanders around a bit, but is mainly content with staring into outerspace. Or even at a blank computer screen.

Ah, yes, the pins and needles have come on. Great excuse to take a walk around the library, perhaps amuse herself with the snippets of other peoples' conversations about mechanics and whatnot.

But the pastime of choice, is, no doubt, reading the news. This alleviates the guilt that would otherwise be felt if playing, for example, bejeweled blitz on facebook, while also making her feel as if she is not procrastinating at all - politics are important in any career path. And indeed, they are.

But not as important as doing the work required.

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