Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ode to Citalopram

Conjugated with hydrobromide,
Or with oxalate,
You still calm
My spastic heart rate.

You wake me gratefully
At the crack of dawn,
And for the lack of sleep
I mourn.

Without you, 
My cardiac rhythm
Does funny things,
Like excited light beams
Through a prism.

Though I complain
About your flaws,
You are still my
Daily enabling clause.

Provider of stimulation,
You get me out of bed,
And when I'd like to mope
I feel fairly content instead.


1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful expressive soul. Sometimes it is hard to see the meaning of life and the reason behind the struggles we face.
    Just remember that all will be well.
    You will get to a place of calm and peace within yourself, you just have a little way to go yet.
    Sending you love and hugs. :)
