Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday morning cynicism.

Why are people always telling me what to do? Often they think they are educating or liberating me, but really they are just P*SSING ME OFF.

Not that I'm in a bad mood, or anything (no irony). I'm actually quite happy. Being happy for no particular reason worries me a little, I'm not too sure as to why. Possibly because I'm so used to being worried? And because I kind of know something not-so-great will happen before too long. Or because I'm worried that I'm forgetting something? Because there's always something to worry about. But anyway, it's a pretty swell feeling.

In other news, I don't know what I'll be doing next year. The supervisor has dropped a few hints about who's going to be in the lab next year and who isn't, and I'm pretty much the only possible person who can leave, so....yeah...The studying psychiatry dream doesn't seem too likely, given I'd have to do med first. And I dreamed that I didn't get into any med programs at any of the universities in Australia. Dreams can be fun like that. 

If all else fails, I'll get a friend to get me a job at the restaurant where she works. I could wash dishes for a while, get some money, travel or whatever. And then decide what to do next. Wouldn't mind staying in uni forever, just learning EVERYTHING there is to learn. That'd be awesome. And then I'd understand research and stuff a little more, so I wouldn't constantly be google-ing things like diseases and antibodies and statistical analyses.

Happy news!! My blog views have ticked over 1000 (cumulative, since I started the blog, which may have been a few years ago, but still) in the last few weeks. I get quite a few views from the States, I don't think it's just per chance because if it were the viewing figures would be similar to Israel, Germany and Lithuania (search words, etc) - somewhere in the lower single digits. So dearest readers, HELLO!!! 

Also bonded with the American cousins over the weekend. It was AWESOME. The 8-year old - I was trying to explain to him that his brother is in middle school now and people get a bit grumpy around that time, and this adorable kid was like 'Oh, I'm already grumpy.' And asked for reasons, he responded with 'People are mean and they lie and push people around.' It was the cutest thing ever. Apart from that time my youngest brother, aged 9, wrapped his tissues in cling rap to take to school, so they wouldn't get dirty. It was a bizarrely brilliant moment. 

And then there was a discussion with the 14 year olds regarding how to survive a zombie apocalypse. That was a little intense. 

I'll get back to trying to look busy now. The other guy just showed me how to count glomerular cells with this software and that. He doesn't like it if I take notes while he's talking, but that just means I don't remember things. It easier to remember steps if you've written them down. And sometimes he treats me like a moron. For example, 7+8=15 DUH. And then when it comes to the hard stuff he just skims past it. Here's the verdict: he think I'm really thick, so he tries to dumb (the wrong) things down, but he doesn't understand that the things he thinks are simple are actually the slightly more complicated ones. Some brilliant people just don't understand that not everyone can be as smart as they are. 


Peace and love,



  1. Woot Woot You are amazing habibzzzzz ;)
    Your greatest fan xoxo

  2. Ahahaha! that was our zombie apocalypse talk :D

  3. lol ur too funny....i wudn go on ur dreams hard for wat u want and inshAllah ull b successful...glomerular cells :| r u doin sumthing related to kidneys...arrgghh i hate renal stuff....and LOL at the research guy...i dnt think ur the one who is "thick"...he shud knw better wat shud b explained n wat if i wud explain to my math students how to count, knowing they r doing yr if u wud explain 8+7=14 to a research student at university level!!
