Monday, December 27, 2010

Another year...

Today is my last day of being 20 years old. Two decades. That's AGES but I don't feel as old as I should. But I guess I do act a lot older, sometimes. In the close-to-middle-age kind of way.

Anyway. The year has been quite an eventful one. Last year of my degree. Finally started getting good marks. Pracs were awesome. Talked to lots of people about Honours. Finally moved closer to uni. The whole 'think positive' thing finally clicked. Got an Honours offer. Missed the enrollment date, so probably won't be able to do it in 2011, lol. The maternal wants me to marry the son of some family friend of hers (NO WAY IN THE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN UNIVERSE). Finally opened my tin bank which my uncle had bought for each of us back when I was 6. Didn't put anything into it for years, then in the last year or so put a lot of effort (i.e. change) into it. It yield at worthy $328, minus about $40 for all of the 'special' money (special edition coins, overseas money, 1 and 2 cent coins from here in Aus).

Made friends, lots touch with others, met people, stressed heaps, learned lots. Suppose that's really the only thing you can ask for in life, that you'll be busy and learn from it all.

I don't really celebrate birthdays, have never really thought of them as special. Age is just another thing you can't help, really. But now I've decided to use any excuse to celebrate life and hang out with awesome people, so I guess I can use birthdays as another chance to be extra-happy.

Like always, the year has flown by, so there's not much more I can really say, hey? But I survived and enjoyed (most of) it. Should get started on some baking now.

Peace and love,


Friday, November 26, 2010

K is for Clever

I've had my furry little monster for so long I feel like it's exclusively mine, and anyone else who claims to have it pretentious and a fraud. Maybe because I struggled with it on my own, and they announce it publicly like it's the most incredible and devastating thing ever, that they have just a mild version of it. Maybe I don't want to be associated with these attention-seeking people. Maybe I don't want to share my ogre with anyone who I feel doesn't 'deserve' to be 'different'. That last one sounds odd. I mean I think it makes me feel a little special sometimes and I don't want to share this exclusive club with anyone else.

Also, what is with people who think it is impossible for anyone but them to come with a good idea or have a profound thought? Like they are the only ones permitted such achievements, and their ones are the only right ones?! Yes, I realised a truth about the world, fine you don't agree with it because it doesn't cast you in a pretty light/makes you realise you're a fraud and/or attention seeker/you're annoyed because you didn't come up with it first. GET OVER IT. And keep your rubbish to yourself, because I will not be you lapdog, and I will not put up with your rubbish.

And even more than that, people who say they're not into labels but then it's okay for them dish it out. And when they're like, 'Oh, I never judge, I'm not into judging or making judgments, but I'm right when I say this is wrong because I don't do it, that is wrong because I want to do it but can't, she's a something, he's a something else, I'll just classify all those people as that and boo-hoo I'm so misunderstood but note that I'm still right and judgement-free.'

And you know those people who tell you not to conform and to be original but the only way to do this is by doing everything they say, exactly the way they want? They really annoy me. It's okay for them to conform, because 'It's so hard, and not everyone can be as solid as you, you just don't know what it's like', which is code for 'I'm special, this makes me feel special, and you know what would make me feel even more special? If I tell you to make me feel special by trying to get you to worship me the way every one of those people who "peer pressure" me into conforming and doing all of those things do, but don't you dare try to get me do things your way, that is only for me to do to you'.

People. There are times when, I don't know, I wish I could get away from them all, move to the other end of the world and start afresh. But life doesn't work like that, I know.

Peace and love,

Friday, November 19, 2010


I would like to write a poem,
On all things great.
I would like to write an ode,
To the intricacies of fate.

Alas, I am no poet,
No great composer,
And though I dream all day
I know it's already over.


Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm not eccentric...

...I'm just very bad at hiding all the weird things about me.

Okay, so I may be a little different, but that's because I realise that I try to please people and that I'm cowardly when it comes to expressing opinions that don't coincide with others, so I try to change that at every opportunity that I get.

That didn't make a lot of sense. What I mean is I have a people-pleasing complex, and I'm always seeking the approval of others. So when I realise that I have a chance to not do this, I take it.

Okay, that wasn't worded any better. Soz.

My third year of uni is over, and I still don't know what to do next. Sure, I have the grand dreams, but I don't know what the next step is in getting there. I'm thinking if I don't get into Honours (which is likely), I'd like to do an Arts degree, or Business/Commerce and Arts. The most successful people in the world tend to be ones who haven't finished uni, or even high school, but are successful because they have a brain for business and how the world works.

One of the reasons why I love science is because it tries to do what we all are trying to do with life - it tries to make sense of the seemingly chaotic universe, by figuring out pathways, giving things names, organising things into phyla and tables. And I think business does this, too. Well, okay actually everything you study is trying to organise things into a way that'll make it easier to understand, but science and business seem to extend to real life a bit more easily.

We'll see how it goes, in good time, I suppose. It's not easy waiting, though, is it?

Peace and love,


Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm not sick...

...I am defective.

I can't control my own thoughts. My face isn't perfectly symmetrical. I'm under the average height for girls. Some times I have weird thoughts. I have trouble sleeping sometimes despite being tired and sleep-deprived. I feel the need to take naps because everything tires me out. I can't handle caffeine all that well. I'd be a rubbish hunter as I don't do stealth all that well. I would get bored with just gathering. On the plus side this would mean I would be leaning towards the lean side. I am a really weird mix of outgoing and introverted, making me unstable, I believe.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I've been talking to people about Honours all year (for which I am glad, even though things haven't been sorted out yet - at least I got a bit of practise talking to people about these things), and I have come to realise more and more that the people you work with are more important than the area in which you work.

At least, in terms of how much you enjoy your job on a day-to-day basis. I want to work with awesome people, in the hope that I will learn from them not just about the research, but everything that makes a person awesome. I know I can't be perfect, but I want to come close.

I used to think that I'd belong in Ravenclaw, because I really valued success and learning and I was a high achiever at the time. Lately though, I think more and more that I'd belong in Gryffindor. I think I value loyalty and people more than anything else. If you get a bad grade, you can get up and try again. But if a friend ditches you? It's awful, and you get all paranoid and mopey.

I have also noticed that Latvia and the USA come up on my stats for this blog. The US will inevitable come up, given the sheer number of people, and I blog about random things so just searching for a favourite author will ping off this site. But Latvia? That's a bit more usual. Unless the settings on someone's computer are for Latvia, or something.

I used to blog in high school, not really at the height of my teen-angst, which was about Year 9, but starting from Year 10. I used to get really emotional and carried away with what-ifs, it was all very dramatic. I hope I've mellowed out a bit now. At some point in my life I'd like to be taken seriously as a writer, and sounding like an immature brat or something will hinder these attempts.

Haha I sound like a wannabe-posh-something. Soz, amigos. It's just that my life is relatively uneventful, but I won't be able to make it in politics because I'm not a naturally likeable person and people would try to dig dirt and there are people who would dish it. I'm opinionated, I stand up for what I think is right, and it doesn't pacify people when I admit to a mistake. And because I'm a very awkward person, sometimes I forget to speak to set things straight, and I'm not charismatic so my faults aren't easily forgiven.

At least with writing...actually it's not that different from politics. Nothing is, really. You always have to make a good impression, defend your faults, flatter people when you need something from them (like employment).

I think part of my problem is that I want be great, and it's not something you can try to have. It's the same with popularity - people like you so much better when you are confident within yourself and you don't try to imitate or impress. Except I want greatness in the sense that I want to be perfect, I want to look in the mirror and see someone I like. But you can't try to be likeable or liked. It's just something that comes with becoming a better person, I guess. And that starts with forgiving faults in others and showing mercy to those who can't or won't help you. Not that this is easy. Who doesn't want to stand up to a bully, or payback someone who brings you down and gets under your skin? But you can't get people to learn through brute force or selling out in order to fit in with them. Because then you're just a wannabe, and you've established their hold over you.

I'm not trying to preach, I just want to organise my thoughts so I can start applying some of what I learn. And I'd like to chronicle what I learn, just so when I look back on my life I'll know it wasn't wasted.

Exams soon. Hope they go ok. Insha'allah they will.

Peace and love,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Studying. Really.

Observe the procrastinator in her natural habitat. You will notice that she is fully prepared for any attack - all work related windows are up, notes are out - she has the experience of several seasons in the same area.

She wanders around a bit, but is mainly content with staring into outerspace. Or even at a blank computer screen.

Ah, yes, the pins and needles have come on. Great excuse to take a walk around the library, perhaps amuse herself with the snippets of other peoples' conversations about mechanics and whatnot.

But the pastime of choice, is, no doubt, reading the news. This alleviates the guilt that would otherwise be felt if playing, for example, bejeweled blitz on facebook, while also making her feel as if she is not procrastinating at all - politics are important in any career path. And indeed, they are.

But not as important as doing the work required.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am the three awes (after a fashion).

1. I am awful - sometimes I have really bad thoughts - I don't like people and their flaws annoy me.

2. I am awkward - I don't know what to do with myself. My posture is awkward, something confident but totally not - basically confused. I walk into things, drop stuff, say things that don't make sense.

3. I am awesome - inspite of everything, I'm not so bad. At least I'm not as tactless as some, and I hate embarrassing people/making them feel awkward, regardless of how much/little I like them. Plus, I have some really cool ideas (sometimes).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

For want of a better word, WhenandHow?

Life seemed so much more promising back in high school. I genuinely thought I had a chance at getting into Oxford/Cambridge/Edinburgh/etc.. I actually thought I'd find a way, that things would work out, that I'd make something of my life.

Now...I don't know.

I'm at the end of my Science degree. I've been talking to heaps of people from different labs, asking about honours and research and stuff. They all get really excited and then they find out my average is a measly 69-point-something. I have this semester to fix it a bit, but it's a little too late. It doesn't make a difference how much I've had to deal with, with the commuting and family and health stuff.

Pretty much feel like breaking down and crying every time I think about this stuff.

I know things will work out eventually, and yes I'm learning to be a nicer person in the process, but I feel so insecure about the future. I don't know what to do next. I like having solid plans, with a fairly solid back-up plan, and a dreamy secondary back-up plan. And now I have no idea. Do I apply for another course? Do I start applying for jobs in retail?

I don't know what I want out of life, except that I want my life to mean something. I want to learn everything there is to learn. I want to be able to figure things out. There's got to be more to life than what someone else thinks of you, either in a social or academic or professional context. Is success really measured by what someone with a fancy title thinks of you and your work?

I know I'll look back on this and think, you know what, I'm glad it happened because I learned heaps. I learned to be a bit nicer, to think a little more about the world around me, a little more patience. But right now? It's hard.

On a brighter note, I have started reading books by Alexander McCall Smith. The Corduroy Mansions books were ok, but the 'Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency' series are something special. You should look into them.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Impressions and maybe a change?

Haha accidentally swore in lab yesterday because I thought I'd pippetted the wrong amount of something. Woops. Clearly not going to be picked to do my honours there! Ah well. Also, who knew your second year marks count when applying for a PhD? Need a change of plans. Should have stuck with journalism and politics. Or maybe I could go into presenting for PlaySchool? Or doing the voices for cartoon characters?

Seriously. What. Am. I. Going. To. Do?! I've only got the 6 weeks or so of this semester to get good grades. Not that it will help massively, but still. Maybe I should whine heaps about the 4-5 hours of commuting I do daily. And then break down because of stress problems.

Life would be so much easier if I could just go to a nice rehab place and just learn how to live. This is going to sound terrible, but when I was younger (high school) I wished there was some way I could break down/get really sick/SOMETHING so that I'd be able to go crazy and let loose, and then go to rehab.

Ahahaha I was a silly kid. My sister had an asthma puffer (she'd gotten pneumonia) and I remember praying for God to give me asthma so I could have a puffer, too. I was about 7 or 8, I think. Clearly I was not right in the region between the ears.

Wait, that implies that my face wasn't right. It was. I dare say my face was awesome. I meant the brainy bit may have been a little twisted.

I will probably end up as teacher. Exactly what I never wanted to be, but will end up being. I could handle primary school, and maybe even some year levels at high school, but I remember the attitude some classmates used to give to teachers...and I don't think I could deal with that. Plus it's easy enough to teach a kid how to read and write, basic maths, the water cycle, volcanoes, whatever. But Physics? High Level Chem? Don't know if I want to be responsible for some one else's downfall as well. Don't think I could ever forgive myself for messing up someone's chances. I've had too many not-so-great teachers to think nothing of inflicting myself on others.

God give me patience. Really not much to be done but to wait.

Peace and love,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lime cordial and loyalty.

So, it has been a while. A belated Ramadan Kareem to those of you who are so inclined.

I always have heaps of stuff to blog about, but then I forget, and by the time I remember I've either calmed down or forgotten what it was that I wanted to say.

I find it a little hard to deal with competitive people. And mean people. Especially when they pass it off as being funny or whatever, and then people think you're awful for thinking like that. The fact of the matter is, that I am a great deal more perceptive than the average person. And also a little paranoid, but that just heightens my awareness. Yes, I am prone to missing the big things sometimes, but life and everything in it is about the little things. The little comments a friend makes with a smile on their face that isn't real. The way people run to you when they need something, but run away when you need something. The way they greet you depending on who they, and you, are with. Loyalty does not play a major part in these peoples' lives.

Anyway, the point is, that being nice to people you know you don't really want to be around can be a bit of a trial. I always tell myself not to be judgmental, and that first impressions are wrong (they're not, by the way, for the most part), not to be mean and so on. So I end up putting up with things for ages, until it gets to the point where I want to punch holes in walls and break shatterable vases. And then I'm labelled as being judgmental, anti-social, whatever. Part of the problem is that I'm always so eager to please and make new friends.

On the other hand, the world is full of awesomeness. The people you can't help loving, the ones who make you laugh till you cry, the ones who care about more than their own little worlds, the ones who put a smile on your face the moment you see or even think about them. The ones who go out of their way to help anyone and everyone, stick up for whoever it is being picked on. Unlike the 'friends' who will stand by when you're being picked on, these ones stand up for you, make you feel better, even with just a pat on the arm. They are the ones who make you wish you could either adopt them or be adopted by them, so you spend all your time around them. They make you want to be a better person. More than that, they make you feel like you ARE a better person.

These sort of people are awesome in the some way that lime cordial makes your day better. In the same way that watching the sun rise on your own makes you feel like the world is at your feet. Sitting in your room at home, listening to the sounds of the rest of the house and world, it gives you a quiet sense of inner peace, and being around these awesome people is the same.

If awful things, meeting awful people included, are meant to happen, they will happen regardless of whether you laugh or cry. So you may as well make life a bit easier for yourself and laugh. That's why I laugh hysterically when I'm nervous (coping mechanism). If I'm going to fail an exam, at least I don't feel as terrible as I otherwise might.

And another thing - everything comes to pass. A bad situation will end, given time, and so will a good one. Life keeps moving.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm not implying that I'm perfect. In fact, I am boldly stating that I am, and I know you agree.

I come across as a little stupid, I think.

People are happy to copy my work, have me feed them all of the answers, sit with them for ages explaining things they don't understand, but heaven forbid I do well, much more score a single mark higher than them. People can be very petty, when it comes to things like that. They forget I was the one taking notes all semester, asking questions, and so on.

'Hi, I'm X and I'm a people-person, and therefore completely tactless, because that's what a people-person is like. I miss all the obvious and subtle hints, because I'm very perceptive and super-intelligent, qualities which have obviously been enhanced by my experiences. Clearly, I am a truly wonderful person.'

'Hi, I'm Y and I'm really smart but also really humble. You will not meet a more self-absorbed person than myself, and that's okay because I am so very humble. I like to go around picking on people whom I believe to be all 'me me me', because that sort of behaviour is unacceptable.'

'Hi, I'm Z and I'm the funniest and most interesting person on the planet. Every word out of my mouth will leave you in awe. Every letter I enunciate will have you in stitches, because I'm that hilarious. I know you're interested in each of my pathetic attempts to hold on to your attention, so I'll give you a detail of exactly how I was sleeping and the position of my head relative to my left thumb, when I woke up suddenly this morning to the sound of my alarm. It was so interesting and funny.'

Shut up.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life takes time.

I think I might die young.

You know when you try to picture yourself in a few years time, few decades etc., and it's really difficult? I think that bit is normal. The other part is where I can't see myself changing or maturing any more. The way I think and see the world hasn't really changed since I was a kid, and can I really be the same when I'm thirty or forty? I'd be too...perky? Young? Naive? Not quite sure how to put it, but I'm not really adult, and it's not because I'm irresponsible or incapable of doing things on my own.

It's kind of a scary thought. I can't react the same way to things when I'm middle-aged as I do now, but I don't know if I can change. It's one thing to go from 10 to 20 and not change a huge amount, because even at 20, you're still considered young and are just getting a grip on the real world. But what happens if I'm, say, thirty-five, and I get really stressed and break down crying? Is that really acceptable from someone so old?

I don't really know. I suppose I could be a hermit and therefore avoid social norms and expectations. It's probably easier to accept a weirdo who keeps to their self than it is to accept someone who is too perky for their age.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Keeping company.

There is no feeling in life worse than feeling alone.

Every problem in life is so much easier when you have someone. They don't have to go through it with you, or know what's going on, but just be there.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

But home is nowhere.

If there is one thing that annoys me more than people contesting/attacking my Australian-ness, it is when they feel the need to comment on my grasp of the English language. The silly people don't know where to put the commas or when to capitalise, and they have the nerve to tell me I speak really well?

It's enough to make me want to punch them. Sometimes I wish I could have been a boy, because that way I wouldn't be ostracised for having violent tendencies.

Sometimes when I think about stuff, I remember a teacher I once had. He'd told me that when he was young he'd read a book called 'The cat who walked alone' or something, and he used to feel it was talking about him, and he was inclined to thinking it applied to myself as well. Sometimes this makes me feel special. Other times it makes me feel lonely.

It's kind of pathetic, having my identity crisis (of sorts) now, but I had other things to worry about in the old days. Like the state of the third world and the insipid stupidity of politicians and the uneducated. And my own little monster.

Ah, to be young again...

Not sure that I'd do anything differently - when you look at the whole scheme of things, no matter what you think you would have done differently, you wouldn't have, really.

I'm not making sense. That's okay, it's exam time.

Monday, June 7, 2010


The sun doesn't look so sunny,
The water's too runny,
I'm too funny,
This is not going to help me make money.

I'll fight fires,
Or change tyres,
Or lock away liars,
I'm not sure I have the skills that this requires.

I should learn to sing,
Can't wait to be king,
Find a rock to which I could cling,
Because my world has lost its anchoring,

Just marry someone rich and generous,
Whose pretty cars are numerous,
And will appreciate my humorous(ness).

Or I could just study.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

A tear.

Here's a tear
For ended youth,
Here's a hug
To see you through.

Twist the knife
And pull it out,
Don't forget
Though in the end
This gaping hole
Shall mend.

A racking sob,
A flood,
Hold me
And call me dear,
For this is more
Than just a tear.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


There are essentially four types of wrinkles.
  1. Sun exposure wrinkles, so you look a little weather-beaten and slightly squinty.
  2. Grumpy/frowny wrinkles, so you get the crease in between your eyebrows
  3. Laughter wrinkles that make you look like an open and friendly person ALL the time
  4. And lastly, the kind like what I'm probably going to end up with - the bewildered/surprised wrinkles.
I hope I get the laughter ones, but I'm not likely to. I am a natural born worrier, and my face has been plastered with a permanently bewildered look. It might have something with my eyebrows sitting a little higher than a normal person's. Or maybe that my eyes are so round. Or just that I'm so lost in my own thoughts, I forget to wear any other expression.

Expressions are really hard to master.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


If pressure in my cranium (Pc) and atmospheric pressure (Patm) are such that Pc excedes Patm, given that I still have a 2000 word essay to start and finish by Wednesday ([Pc>>Patm]^Uni where Uni is equivalent to the Unfun constant), what would be the best way to relieve said cranial P without drilling a hole in it?

Extra points for pretty equations.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Penny for your thoughts, Two for your integrity.

There are times when you think your white/non-ethnic friends are ready to be able to deal with it, and you tell them stuff and they react to totally the wrong thing. For example, you're like, "Yeah my parents said I couldn't go", and they're like, "What? You still have to ask your parents? But you're over 18!!" when the point of the matter was the fact that you can't go. Someone who understood would be like, "What, that sucks, can't you convince them? Do you want my parents to call them?"

It's even funnier when people, ethnic as well as non, act like they're totally cultured and in the know. Actually, it's not funny, it's just boring.

Anyway. Then you have other people who are constantly telling you not to conform, and just want you to do everything that they do, the way that they do. When they do something and you ask them if they seriously did it, they respond with, "Oh, what, I thought everyone was doing that now, you should as well, there's totally nothing wrong with it."

It leaves you not knowing whether to be annoyed or disappointed.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Epic LOL.

Me: Hey suckkaa. How's it going?
Mon at 02:58

Sis: not so good ;(
Mon at 03:23

Me:aww...chin up old girl!
Mon at 03:25 ·

Sis: old ? oh, way to make moi feel great!
Mon at 03:29

Me: No I meant it in the oldschool british way, like in famous five and so on. Tis meant to be an encouragement
Mon at 03:30

Sis: backtracking are we now ?
Mon at 03:33

Me: Explaining dope. Missing the point again, are we?
Mon at 03:34

Sis: nope. the retard is missing it though. lol
Mon at 03:37

Me: who's the retard? o_O
Mon at 07:13 ·

Sis: oh, you knoww.. THE retard.. how can you not knoww!
Mon at 11:39

Me: I'm sorry I think I just missed the point again.
Mon at 14:36

Sis: lmaoo ..
Mon at 14:40

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Watching '17 Again' with Zac Efron (the movie with Zac Efron, not actually watching it WITH him) and it's making me want a pretty boy of my own :p.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

6 Awesome Writers

  • Terry Pratchett - enough said.
  • Neil Gaiman - Way awesome. Ok, so I've only read 'Coraline' and 'Good Omens' (with Pratchett), and seen 'Stardust', but it doesn't take a lot to realise how well he writes.
  • David of - the guy who tried to pay a bill with with a drawing of a spider. He's absolutely brilliant - quickwitted, funny and very clever.
  • Dianna Wynne Jones - brilliant.
  • Eoin Colfer - as above.
  • Anthony Horowitz - love the Diamond Brothers.


Oh my sister why do you cry?
Why do you weep
When everyone must surely die?
Why do your tears
Flood the plains?
Is it the sorrow of stolen youth,
The unnecessary grief of every nameless face?
Or is it the injustice and cruelty of the watching world
As you lay stricken
Besides your brother's corpse?
Have you lost your life,
Your faith in good
And the memory of a smile?
Why do you ask for answers that can't be found,
That don't exist?
Do you know the war won't end?
You have no hope but for the mercy
Of the Lord to whom your prayers you send.


Nerdy Love

You are
The curve in every question mark
The fine point
Of every exclamation
You are
My alpha and my beta
My omega and my theta
You are
The carbon in my chain
Of glucose molecules
You are
The sweetness in my tea
And I revolve
In the orbit of your light.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 things that stress me out:

- Waiting. Especially for trains, etc. - even more especially when I'm waiting for it to stop but the doors keep zooming by and I don't know which door to aim for. The tension!

- Not having anything to worry about. I think I may be a little masochistic - it's like I need something to be wrong for everything to be ok. Weird.

- Deadlines. Especially if they're months away and get closer and closer. Makes me feel like my death is drawing near.

- Time. Appointments, going places, events, everything - I would rather get there an hour and half early and sit on the doorstep than be a minute late.

- Looking for people/lost things/places. The tension just builds up, and up, and UP!

Monday, January 11, 2010

OMG just had anotherbrilliant idea!

Someone should make a website called LMAO - like MLIA, but with stuff that make you ROFL!!! :D Yes, I am rather brilliant.

You know when life makes you LOL?

So, finally got onto mlia after a very long absence. And LOL. Really connected with some stuff. For example:

Today, I was wearing one of my favorite shirts to school, It has Bumble Bee from The Transformers on it (I'm a girl). While walking through the hall, a guy has a very similar shirt on, only he had Optimus Prime instead. We both noticed, and kind of stared at each other. We don't have a date on Saturday, and we didn't high five, either. It was just awkward. MLIA

AHAHAHAAA!!! It's like this with my Batman tshirt :D.


Today, my dad was working on his computer. Every so often he would say,Good luck on your trip! or Have Fun! So, after a while I went up to him and asked him what he was doing. He said that he was wishing his emails good luck on thier journey through the vast internet. I love my dad. MLIA

Why do I never think of things like this?