Monday, May 30, 2011

Cows, grass and soup.

I know all dreams are weird, but I had a REALLY weird one.

It was actually an amalgamation of several dreams and scenarios, but the one I woke up with is as follows. 

There was a cow in a corner of my bedroom, akin to the foam promotional cow I have somewhere on my bookshelf. I had to milk it, which I did into a paper bag, and I did it with much proficiency given I have never milked anything but a bottle before. The paper bag kept drying up, and I had to keep adding water to make up any form of milky liquid.

Once I'd finished milking it I noticed the udder looked all deflated, like a balloon once the air had been let out of it. But this was normal in the dream. I realised the cow needed water, which I brought in a bowl. And then I remembered cows eat grass so I took pliers from the kitchen and recruited both of my sisters and we went out into the garden to get grass. The grass was incredibly short with tufts of longer grass here and there, and we had get down and cut it from the roots.

And then there was a stranger at the door.

Also, my bedroom was really messy. It made me feel a little sick. Sicker than drinking milk straight out of a cow from a paper bag. 

And there was something about terrorists at the airport, an evil-looking man who proclaimed innocence, everyone believed him, and then turned out to be the terrorist-kidnapper after all. I think he was Eastern European. And I was throwing soup around, or something. 

I'm killing time, waiting for the Dotslide to free up. Knew I should have booked it yesterday. 

Peace and love,


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