Just over a week until Honours is over. Final seminar in two days, thesis defence in a week from then. And that's it. Thank God.
It does leave room for awkwardness, though. Do I RSVP to the Christmas dinner? What about the department's 50th anniversary celebrations? Do I need to come in ever again?
Asked the supervisor if I could use him as a referee for job applications. He agreed and asked what kind of jobs. Just the regular soul-destroying retail variety, dude. After this year I need to know that there is worse out there and that what I have isn't the bottom of the heap.
But it's okay. Soon, there will be a lot less to whinge about. I will still be in limbo, but I'll be free to learn things and meet people. I am not naive enough to think that I will meet many, if any, awesome people. This year has taken care of that. But I will at least meet some people who aren't as awful as these ones. And that will be a nice change.
Also, sometimes Arash's voice sounds so beautiful it hurts.
Peace and love,
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